View through Closed Eyes. Borderland's Sketches

    About View through Closed Eyes. Borderland's Sketches
    About View through Closed Eyes. Borderland's Sketches

    My name is Bartosz Frątczak and I have been living in Lithuania for several years. This collection presents the photographs I’ve been taking from 2014, the moment I came to Lithuania, till 2020. It is primarily a story about the life of Poles in Lithuania and Belarus, whom I was lucky to meet. This story is made of the moments saved in my memory and captured in my photos. I hope that this collection will become one of the planks composing the fence of the events I have witnessed – the fence behind which there is a house which is safe and open. And it is certainly not the end of the story – someday I will change the dates by adding more elements.

    The initial selection of the photographs was made by my subconsciousness: I remembered about their existence when trying to fall asleep. I then described the images summoned by my mind in my notebook next to bed, so that I could find them on my computer disks the next morning. After some time, I asked my friends to help me choose several dozen photos, and I added descriptions that were the event participant’s narration, or even something more – the participation itself.

    The opening of the exhibition was on 2020 at the gallery Fojė in Trakai.

    'Can I stand here?' A new building has been built. A ribbon was cut a few minutes ago, the invited VIP guests stayed at the banquet. The man, together with his friends, returned to his “old” house. It would be his last night at this place. In the morning he would move, one more time in his life. 'I’d like to take you a picture,' I say. He looks at me, then silently approaches the door and, standing at attention, surrounded by all his possessions, asks: 'Can I stand here?' Nursing home for the elderly, Čiužiakampis, Lithuania.

    LT „Žiūrint pro užmerktas akis. Užribių eskizai

    Parodos įvadinėje dalyje autorius paaiškina, kokiu būdu atrinko nuotraukas, ir ypatingą dėmesį atkreipia į aprašų prasmę: „Pradinę nuotraukų atranką už mane atliko mano pasąmonė, kai mėgindamas užmigti prisimindavau jų egzistenciją. Šalia lovos gulinčioje užrašų knygutėje aprašydavau vaizdus, kuriuos pažadindavo mano sąmonė, kad vėliau galėčiau juos atsekti kompiuterio diskuose saugomų nuotraukų gausoje. Po kažkurio laiko kreipiausi į draugus, kurie padėjo man atrinkti kelias dešimtis nuotraukų. Fotografijas papildžiau jose vaizduojamų įvykių dalyvių naratyvais, o gal net kažkuo daugiau – pačiu dalyvavimu.“

    Opening of the exhibition

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